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Meetings and Financials

Meeting Minutes Link

The links below are to Word Docs.  You will need to download them in order to view them. 


Meeting minutes for Feb 8th, 2024

Meeting Minutes for May 7th, 2024





Meeting minutes and Financial Reports

This is where you will find our quarterly meeting minutes and financial reports.  This is something we have needed to get established for a long time.  Check back for updates as we organize our meeting minute format and financial reports.  We will archive as needed here for full transparency and disclosure.   

Oct 2nd 

Meeting Agenda for Oct 2nd: Minutes still being completed. 

West Valley Trail Alliance

Chapter Board Meeting

Monday Oct 2nd, 2203

Zoom meeting

Attendance: Introduce Ed

6:30 – 6:40 Financial Update (Mike, Brian)

  1. Total Funds on hand: $25,000 as of 9/1/20

    1. Funds allocated to required insurance via Nicholas Hill Group: $1400

      1. Motion to approve $1400 Unanimous

    2. Trailer registration $20.76

    3. Budget To Do Agreement to store on minutes on Google Docs/publish on website.

      1. Expenditures

        1. Liability Insurance $1500

        2. Trailer $21.00

        3. D&O Insurance $625

        4. Trailer Wrap Fast Trac Designs Est. $700-1000

        5. New Ez-Up cover

          1. Vote for cover replacement?

          2. Trailer Wrap

          3. Vote again for $1000 allowed by President or Treasurer without board consensus?

Motion to allow President and Treasurer to use up to $1000 with the notification of two board members. Pass unanimous

  1. Shirts?  20 or so for trail days?

Motion to spend $400 on shirts via Trail Print

Pass Unanimous

  1. Income

    1. $3,000 / IMBA $1400 / Grants other funds $1600

6:40-6:45 Fall Night Ride Series (Justin)

  1. 3 Dates Sept 30th (just happened), Oct 21st, Nov 11th

    1. 6:30-8PM White Tank Comp Track 6 Riders 21st Halloween.

      1. Poker Run for future ride.

6:45-6:55 Dawn to Dusk Beer Tent (Brian, Ken)

  1. Zia Rides offered us a spot again. 

    1. Beer suppliers?  We need two probably

    2. Volunteers?

    3. Permit being submitted. 

      1. Get Ken conntected

6:55-7:05 Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (Justin)

  1. Jointly ran with Spokes n’ Ale on Feb 24th

    1. Sponsorhsip

    2. Volunteers

    3. Promotion from IMBA coming

      1. Kid Trail work?


7:05-7:20 Maricoopa County Parks Update (Brian)

  1. Tres Rios

    1. Last update from David Kass, they have proposals in hand.  Waiting for park review.  Park said they were waiting on David (Tres Rios) Surprised?

  2. Master Plan Ammendment Awareness.

    1. Set Up a survey for Master Plan and Potential

      1. January 10th

    2. ALL parks will be updating their master plan. 

    3. Important.  We should create a survey to get input.

  3. New Estrella Comp Track Request.

    1. Request to get a link from Desert Rose to Comp track.

  4. Anyone else interested in meeting these folks?

    1. Ed, Matt, Justin to meet with MC Parks As able.

7:20-7:40 Meetings, Budget, Engagement (Christina, Brian)

  1. We desperately need consistent meetings

    1. When? Quarterly?  Let’s set dates now

      1. December/Feb/April/June/August All on 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30.

    2. Slack Web Hosting Cost

    3. Our message as an organization?

      1. It is on Facebook and Website

    4. Highlight accomplishments.  SO MANY but most don’t know.

  2. IMBA Resources

    1. Are any of you getting the emails?

    2. Grant writing, membership drive.

    3. They collect dues, track membership, send auto emails.

    4. Golden Volunteer

7:40 – 7:50 Trail Days

  1. I need trail crew leaders.  I can’t do it solo.  Especially now

    1. Meet with Justin, Matt, Ed, to set up trail dates.

      1. January 20th, Feb 3rd (Justin) for Trail Day  

  2. MBAA pre-race, Skyline, AZ NICA

7:50 – 8:00 Website / Socials (Create sign in for Christina on Wix)

  1.  I will create a point for meeting minutes, financials, etc.

  2. Anyone want to learn how?  I learn my making mistakes

  3. Anyone want to create social content?  I enjoy it but it takes time.

  4. Budget?  I’ll pull up the cost of hosting.  Currently with WIX.  Also need to pay for our email address. 

8:00 – 8:10 Board comments outside of listed? 

  1. There’s a lot of new people and opportunities out there.

Motion to add Ed McKelvey to board.

Update on Peoria Trails Meeting:

           72 attendees.

           Matt attending board meeting.

           $85k of trail via Cuddy Mountain


To Do:

  1. Cost of website and email adding users to email?

  2. Cost of insurance last year Liability and D&O

  3. Cost of Slack

  4. Recurring costs for trailer




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